This is what a growing number of Australia’s shed dealers and resellers are saying when they partner with XXL SHEDS to design, engineer and supply “BIG” or non-standard sheds and industrial buildings that fall outside their standard product range.
A recent shed dealer who is part of a national network of dealers said “I am really glad I came across XXL SHEDS, what they are doing is really smart and impressive, I can now quickly and efficiently provide my customer a price for the shed they want, when in the past if they were outside my programs capabilities I had to say No”.
XXL SHEDS can provide a fixed quotation including a concept drawing for a building of any size and shape, obligation free generally within 48 hours. This service coupled with the recently patented SMRT™ hybrid portal system is a great leap forward for the shed industry and further elevates XXL SHEDS as a market leader in the design and supply of custom sheds and buildings.
A XXL SHEDS client added, “The job I ordered through XXL SHEDS was just over $100k supply only, which was close to $200k by the time I added my price for the slab and erection. I have to sell a lot of standard sheds to make that sort of money”.
He went on the say “They say small fish are sweet but size really does matter as I can now see that big fish can also be sweet. All I had to do was involve XXL SHEDS with my customer and XXL SHEDS did the rest on my behalf allowing me to get on with my core business.
“Thanks XXL SHEDS, we look forward to working with you again soon.”
This is yet another reason to get on board and partner with one of the industry’s fastest growing business, XXL SHEDS.
Secure your future, broaden your product offering, become an XXL SHEDS distributor today, call XXL SHEDS today on 1300 XXL SHEDS or click through to our website and request a quote.
1300 XXL SHEDS or request a quote